Vote For The Best Looking Food Truck in the UK 2023
Welcome to the 2023 British Street Food Awards. Every year, after five regional heats, we have a grand final and reward the best food that's out there. But the Award for Best Looking - sponsored this year by Majisign - is always hotly contested. There's a saying in street food – “your flash is your cash”. A good-looking van, a caravan with one HELLUVA paint job or an interesting little trike with a gazebo tagged onto the side can really help out with sluggish sales. This summer we asked you to nominate your favourites on instagram and Facebook. Then the long list got cut to this, our Top Eight. At the 2023 British Street Food Awards grand final - August 18-20 at Hackney Bridge tickets here - where the very best traders in Britain will be cooking their hearts out to win the British title AND a place in the grand finale of the 2023 European Street Food Awards in Germany – we’ll announce our winners. So select your favourite, and press 'send' - then share the link with your friends, family and local media etc. Good luck!